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Part #: ME590147

Connects GE Healthcare Engstrom Carestation, Carescape R860 ventilators alarm output to the nurse call headwall jack.

i cable Nurse Call. DB15 normally open alarm output of GE Healthcare Engstrom, Carestation and Carescape R860 ventilators to a 1/4″ two circuit right angle phone plug. This device alarm cable is compatible with the Maguire Device Alarm Input Multiplier, which expands the headwall jack to allow simultaneous monitoring of up to three devices.

Part #: ME590147J

Connects GE Healthcare Engstrom Carestation, Carescape R860 output to the nurse call headwall jack.

i cable Nurse Call. Normally open alarm output of GE Healthcare Carestation or Carescape R860 ventilator to the input at the headwall jack which transmits device alarms to the central nurses station. Set includes 2 pieces: 1) DB15 to 1/4″ 2 circuit right angle phone plug. 10 ft length. 2) Required GE isolation cable #2070436-001. This device alarm cable is compatible with the Maguire Device Alarm Input Multiplier, which expands the headwall jack to allow simultaneous monitoring of up to three devices.

Part #: ME562N

Connects the GE Healthcare R860 ventilator output to the nurse call headwall jack. and Cerner EMR system.

i cable Nurse Call – Data. GE Healthcare R860 Ventilator DB15 to Nurse Call and EMR system inputs.

Part #: ME590147G

Connects Datex-Ohmeda ventilator alarm output to the nurse call headwall jack.

i cable Nurse Call. 6 pin mini DIN normally open alarm output of Datex-Ohmeda TruSat ventilator to a 1/4″ two circuit right angle phone plug. This device alarm cable is compatible with the Maguire Device Alarm Input Multiplier, which expands the headwall jack to allow simultaneous monitoring of up to three devices.